Taking a risk: Canadian Bone Marrow Transplantation trial
by Jennifer Molson Still, knowing what I know now, I would do it all over again. I won’t sugar coat this: the trial…
The bond between a father and his daughters
We recently asked sisters Danielle (27) and Jeanette (23) about their experience growing up with their father, Doug, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis…
Dreaming big
Guest post by Sam Grandmaison, MS Bike ambassador The year was 2013 and it was a busy one! I’d just registered for my…
An open letter to our Prime Minister
Dear Mr. Trudeau: In its proposed Bill C-14, the Government of Canada introduces a vague criterion for eligibility to medical assistance in dying,…
Getting personal with a promising treatment approach to MS
Multiple sclerosis is a deeply personal disease. No two people experience MS in exactly the same way, and while the underlying autoimmune event…
Getting personal with a promising treatment approach to MS
Multiple sclerosis is a deeply personal disease. No two people experience MS in exactly the same way, and while the underlying autoimmune event…
“What can I do to fight it?”
Guest post by Patrycia Rzechowka, MS Bike ambassador I’m an activist in my community, and I’m proud of that fact. I advocate for…
Multiple Sclerosis: Is it in our genes?
Our understanding of the genetic basis of multiple sclerosis has taken off over the past few years. Admittedly, the first link between MS…
Listen to your body
Guest post by Andrea Dunn, MS Bike ambassador The day I went to see a doctor about my MS symptoms was a totally…
Fighting together for independence: #strongerthanMS
Lizelle. Kayla. Denise. Eugene. Chantal. Karen. When we think of “independence”, these are just some of the names that come to mind. This…
What is MS?

Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the world, with an estimated 77,000 Canadians living with the disease. While it is most often diagnosed in young adults aged 20 to 49, younger children and older adults are also diagnosed with the disease.