Unapologetic: Brooke Robinson
“If I ever write a book, it’s going to be called Unapologetic because that is what MS has taught me to be,” Brooke…
Minocycline and MS: How Jill is living MS free
I recently had the opportunity to speak with Jill, a Minocycline phase III trial participant, to talk about her involvement in the study.…
The ins and outs of clinical trials
So what does it cost to run a clinical trial, anyway? Performing a clinical trial requires a great deal of resources. Namely, time,…
An important milestone in MS research and hope for people living with progressive MS
Guest post by Cory Turner – member of the MS Scientific Research Foundation Board We don’t get to pick when we’re diagnosed with…
When progress becomes a bad word
By Chantal Milne – on the Canadian MS Progression Cohort When I found out I was pregnant, I eagerly downloaded two pregnancy apps,…
Hacking health: What can technology teach us about multiple sclerosis?
Technology … meet the health care industry. Last fall we attended Canada’s first university-organized medical hackathon – a 36-hour event called Hack4Health at…
Tech development for MS symptom management
“Are you sure I can’t offer you tea?” Mrs. Bokhari, standing in the lobby of a high rise on the edge of Waterloo,…
Taking a risk: Canadian Bone Marrow Transplantation trial
by Jennifer Molson Still, knowing what I know now, I would do it all over again. I won’t sugar coat this: the trial…
Getting personal with a promising treatment approach to MS
Multiple sclerosis is a deeply personal disease. No two people experience MS in exactly the same way, and while the underlying autoimmune event…