World MS Day: Celebrating research that advances independence for people affected by MS
Since 2009, people around the world have marked the last Wednesday of every May in their calendar as World Multiple Sclerosis Day. Launched…
Tackling the burden of disability: MS in the workplace
**UPDATE** On September 12, the Conference board of Canada released the report The Value of Specialty Medications: An Employer Perspective which will further guide Canadian…
MS and Motherhood: A conversation with Chantal and Julia
Interview with Chantal and Julia We recently asked two of our #MSWalk ambassadors, who happen to be new mothers, to talk about their experience…
“So much of my independence comes from still being able to drive.”
Denise, diagnosed with MS in 2010 When I had to quit work because of my multiple sclerosis, my world got infinitely smaller. I…
Abusive relationships: How to cope when you have a disability
When I was first diagnosed with MS, I became very disabled very fast. I became completely dependent on my husband, which frustrated him.…
World MS Day 2016: Choosing independence
by Ben Davis, Vice-president, Government relations The concept of independence is as personal as multiple sclerosis itself. For some people, independence can mean…
AAN: New answers to old questions about risk factors and disease modifiers
The precise causes of multiple sclerosis continue to baffle the scientific community, although in general most researchers agree that a combination of genes…
Knowledge is Power: a Conversation with Kayla and Lizelle
Interview with Kayla Chatkiewicz, and Lizelle Mendoza We recently linked up with two of our fantastic #MSWalk ambassadors and asked them to discuss what…
Independence: learning to enjoy the ride
Karen, diagnosed with RRMS in 2004 World MS Day is a month from today. The theme this year is independence, so that got…
AAN: Pediatric-onset MS – environmental and genetic risk factors
Between 2 – 5% of multiple sclerosis cases emerge before the age of 18. Research into MS in children and adolescents – referred…
What is MS?

Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the world, with an estimated 77,000 Canadians living with the disease. While it is most often diagnosed in young adults aged 20 to 49, younger children and older adults are also diagnosed with the disease.