Guten Tag! The research team will be live at the world’s largest conference in Berlin, Germany next week
The MS Society of Canada’s research team is preparing to fly over the Atlantic to the exciting city of Berlin, Germany to attend…
A mother-daughter bond stronger than MS
Guest post by Alli Leithoff, MS Bike ambassador Growing up, it is normal for every girl to argue with their mom, but not…
Improving cognitive function in MS: A researcher looking to make a difference for people diagnosed with progressive MS
Cognitive impairment, a research priority for the MS Society of Canada, affects a significant proportion of people living with MS. Multiple sclerosis (MS)…
Examining Multiple Sclerosis in the Workplace
When looking at the financial challenges that people living with multiple sclerosis face, the numbers speak for themselves. Approximately 60 per cent of…
Unapologetic: Brooke Robinson
“If I ever write a book, it’s going to be called Unapologetic because that is what MS has taught me to be,” Brooke…
Everything happens for a reason
Guest post by Melanie Bennett I didn’t always believe this, but now I really do believe that everything happens for a reason. I…
3rd Scientific Congress of the Progressive MS Alliance: Making a difference through rehabilitation and Symptom Management (Part 3)
While researchers are forging ahead with great ideas in symptom management and rehabilitation, we also heard about the complexity of factors that affect…
My mom: the fiercest competitor I know
Guest post by: Christine Sinclair When I was a young girl, I remember my mom started using a cane. I never understood why.…
3rd Scientific Congress of the Progressive MS Alliance: Making a difference through rehabilitation and Symptom Management (Part 2)
Taking the lessons learned from stroke research (part 1) and moving forward to develop new projects and programs is important for the advancement…
MS research is at an exciting time, and we’re in it together
Guest post by Dr. Jordan Warford, MS Bike ambassador Multiple sclerosis (MS) research is at an exciting point in time. The landscape has…
What is MS?

Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the world, with an estimated 77,000 Canadians living with the disease. While it is most often diagnosed in young adults aged 20 to 49, younger children and older adults are also diagnosed with the disease.