Telling Children About MS: Author Julie Stamm gets personal about the disease
Guest blog post by Julie Stamm My intention is not to make light of multiple sclerosis. It’s to make the adversities of a…
“Spotlight on the Future of MS Research”: endMS National Training Program
This year, the endMS National Training Program is excited to launch the 11th endMS SPRINT and 13th annual endMS Summer School competition! The…
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
In a world where only 30% of researchers are women, the MS Society is proud to report that over 60% of our funded research in 2020…
The Equestrian Ride for MS: Raising Awareness in First Nations Communities
The Sioux Valley Dakota Nation Reserve, located west of Brandon, Manitoba, is home to the Dakota Nation Unity Riders – a group that…
MS Society of Canada Supports New Research in MS
Through the generous support of the MS community, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada has invested over $200 million in research since inception…
2020 Virtual MS Connect Conference
Every year, the MS Connect Conference allows people affected by multiple sclerosis (MS) to engage with leading Canadian investigators and learn about recent…
Millennials and MS: Trish Yeung
There are questions about living with MS that you won’t find answered in any Google searches. Like how do you think about responding…
Q&A: Women on Pregnancy and MS
How does it feel to be diagnosed with MS as a young woman during the prime of her life? How will this change…
A Fruitful Partnership
Every partnership has a story. For some, it starts with a vested interest in helping communities in need of support. For others, it’s…
A Triumphant Trek for MS
“Friendship isn’t just about recognizing the physical person. It’s also about witnessing who they are on the inside.” Marc Boyer’s philosophy isn’t just…